Professional field Auto Mechanic San Rafael

Processes and procedures independently in their professional field. Evaluate and solve problems and contexts and Auto Mechanic San Rafael generally unpredictable, with critical understanding, knowledge transfer and capacity.

Innovation and creativity Supervise goals, techniques and results of individual work and team members, Auto Mechanic San Rafael spirit.

Apply and integrate advanced technologies and specialized knowledge or work processes Adapting to new up to date scientific, technical and technological knowledge of their business environment.

Managing their existing resources training and learning throughout life, especially when using information communication.

Economic and social situations of the environment in which we develop the teaching process of improvement, ensuring the quality of the process and the product or service. Communicate with peers, superiors, customers and people under their responsibility, using effective communication.

Channels, transmitting information or adequate knowledge and respecting the autonomy Auto Mechanic San Rafael and competence of those involved in the field of their work.

Create safe environments in the development of his work and that of his team, overseeing and implementing procedures to prevent occupational and environmental risks, according to the provisions of the rules and objectives of the company.

Perform basic management for the creation and operation of a small business and take initiative in their profession with a sense of social responsibility.

Exercising the rights and obligations of the professional activity, according to the provisions of the legislation, actively participating in the economic, social and cultural life.

This training will be incorporated into one or more specific professional modules, subject to crosstreatment, as required by the professional profile.

The contents of these vocational modules will be focused on the needs of each professional group or industry sectors or production characteristics. To take this track compliance own programming.

Part of this training relating, is acquired through professional module power transmission systems and undercarriages, which is the subject of this schedule.

If we consider that contingency may occur in the development Auto Mechanic San Rafael and delivery of lesson activities outings, strikes, etc., possible adjustments to the program throughout the school year are anticipated.

When organizing time must take into account the learning pace of students Auto Mechanic San Rafael to avoid situations of anxiety in performing tasks, that obstruct the learning process and classroom climate deteriorates.

In any case, the timing will depend on the ability of learning and understanding of students as well as adaptation to each specific training cycle.historical.

This situation will always generate a series of reciprocal influences especially bearing in mind that the education system Vocational Training aims to prepare students for work in a professional field.

The term context, historical, economic and social geographical environment in which the teaching is done. Yes, obviously, all environments are not equal, then would contextualize, adapt the teaching learning process at different geographical.

Among the items we include are OBJECTIVES We could define as the compass that guides the process of teaching and learning, so that they need not be consulted permanently, but being a guiding element are useful to keep the course or to retrieve if we create have lost.

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